Enlighten Therapy

Integrative Therapy • Mindset Coaching • Nutrition

Enlighten Therapy provides holistic and integrative clinical hypnosis, psychotherapy, nutrition and mindset coaching services. Convenient online Telehealth or in person appointments available. Located in Spring Hill, Brisbane.
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What is integrative therapy?

Choose either A or B. No referrals required. No waiting list.

A. Complete the 'Get Started' form

Complete a short suitability quiz.

B. Book directly online

After hours and weekends available.

Not sure where to begin?

No problem at all. Get in touch to get started.

Michael Harper


Michael has been helping people improve their mind and body health since 2011. His work focuses on individuals families and work places and addresses pain management, sleep issues, anxiety, addiction, relationships, men's mental health, mindset and nutrition coaching. Michael uses an integrative approach and works to create a supportive environment for people to explore their challenges.


Anger Abuse


Addiction Trauma


Self Improvement Focus


Self-sabotage Mood

Eating Issues

Body Image Nutrition


Sadness Loss


Pain management Sleep disorders


Sexual issues Communication

Sometimes your own couch or favourite chair is the best place to talk. Enlighten Therapy gives the option of in person or online Telehealth sessions. Whatever feels more like home.
Get comfortable. image

Ready to get started?

All journeys begin with a first step. Click below and we'll talk soon.